optimized OUTCOMES.
improved satisfaction.

We guide hospitals in addressing the root of social determinants of health and implement trauma-informed programming. We provide in-person guidance on program implementation, on-site training in our curriculum, and ongoing supervision and support of all programmatic elements.

Our offerings are implemented through a collaborative consultation relationship. This results in a tailored and custom delivery specific to each client’s needs.

EXPERT Guidance

Trauma Recovery Continuum of Care© (TRCC©)

Our flagship offering, The TRCC© provides a wraparound program to facilitate continuous case management and referral to community partners. It is a dynamic, evidence-based framework that creates connection, catalyzes trust, and promotes safety. This framework includes implementation of a peer program, capacity coach training, and research infrastructure.

TRCC© meets ACS regulatory guidelines, learn more here


In addition to the full TRCC© program, each core element can be implemented à la carte:


    Our training provides the roadmap and support for program implementation. We equip leaders with the language and lens to provide trauma informed care and offer ongoing education support for coaches and peers.

  • PEER Program

    Patients connect to former patients with lived experience through this highly effective model. We offer training in the fundamentals of launching a peer support program, training peers and technical support in implementation.


    The coach role is a key element to program success. This person leads TRCC© initiatives and peer program. They connect patients to peers. Coaches are led through intensive one-on-one training and receive ongoing support from our staff.

  • Research & Evaluation

    Evaluation is essential to continuous improvement and sustainability of any intervention. We provide guidance in creating research design and metrics to evaluate existing interventions and our TRCC© core programming.


Traditional healthcare settings and approaches can inadvertently retraumatize individuals who have experienced trauma. Certain procedures, environments, or even language used by healthcare providers may trigger memories or sensations associated with past traumatic experiences. Trauma-informed care aims to minimize the risk of retraumatization by being mindful of potential triggers and providing trauma-sensitive care.

Contact us.