Heather Vallier, MD

Chief of Operations & Development AND Chief Medical Officer

I am an orthopaedic trauma surgeon, an educator, a researcher, a leader in healthcare.

My philosophy is to pay it forward. I am indebted to those who advised and mentored me, opening doors to promote my progress. I strive to extend opportunities to others around me.


Mary A. Breslin, MPH

Chief of Research & PROJECT MANAGEMENT

I am a public health professional and researcher committed to improving patient care and supporting healthcare systems.

I believe community is key. Healing and health are found in connection with other people. I am grateful for the many communities I am supported in and am passionate about creating the same for others.


Sarah B. Hendrickson, M.Ed.

Chief of Strategy & IMPLEMENTATION

I am a professional counselor, educator, and researcher with extensive experience in mental health, traumatic stress, and trauma-informed program development and community engagement.

I am passionate about discovering purpose, creating connections, and optimizing the potential of individuals and teams so we may live collectively well.


We offer…

The Evellere Group is a consulting firm that specializes in addressing stress and adversity through trauma-responsive continuums of care. We lead evidence-informed trainings, strategic consultation and a research driven continuum of care that reconnects health care with humanity.

we value…

  • Courage

  • Transparency

  • Collaboration

  • Discovery

  • Evolution

    We are always evolving, staying open to continuous learning, feedback, course correction and personal and collective accountability.

we enVision…

At the Evellere Group, our vision is to reconnect health care with humanity. We believe EVERYONE has the ability to respond to stress, adversity and trauma. We provide the tools for community and system transformation.